The truth about fruit

The eat-right prescription brings all of that knowledge and expertise to your very own kitchen. No fad diets. No quick-fixes. No eliminating traditional foods. From buying the right ingredients, to planning meals, and involving kids in cooking, The eat-right prescription combines medical and scientific knowledge with practical wisdom. It’s the go-to guide for individuals and families who want to eat right, stay healthy and lead productive, happy lives

“My team and I often hear the most ill-informed stories about food and fitness. While it can be funny, it’s also unfortunate that people do not have access to scientific truths about something that is so essential to their well-being.

One of the most misunderstood foods are fruits. They are neither the miracle cure for every illness, and neither are they so bad for you. I love fruits and they form an integral part of my daily diet.

Here is the truth – fruit is, of course, very nutritious but you must not eat it without understanding what it does for your body, and that is a very subjective matter. For example, some people do very well when they eat fruit at breakfast but for others – especially women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), or anyone with diabetes – it can cause an energy dip by mid-morning. You must also try avoiding eating fruit just after a meal because fruit acids can hamper digestion and prevent the absorption of certain nutrients. Wait an hour, at least, before you cut yourself your favourite fruit.

Dr Muffazal Lakdawala, bariatric surgeon and President of IFSO- Asia Pacific chapter

Fruit sugars are still sugars, even if they are natural. So don’t overdo those mangoes, or pineapples – everything in moderation.

Stick to seasonal fruits that are available or grown locally. There is no reason to believe that fruit grown in Australia is going to taste better than what is grown in Srinagar.

Lastly – the controversies surrounding papayas and pregnancy are many. A raw, or semi-ripe papaya must be avoided by pregnant women because they have been known to trigger contractions. However, you can eat a very ripe papaya but please check with your doctor before you do.”

This is excerpted from The Eat-Right Prescription, by Dr Muffazal Lakdawala, published by Embassy Books.

As a busy surgeon, and an expert on weight loss, Dr Muffazal Lakdawala has worked with countless people helping them save their health by eating right. His team counsels people every day on how to eat healthy by whipping up yummy, healthy meals that are economical and easy to make.